Thursday, June 18, 2009

The Light Will Come Bursting In...

"Light shines in the darkness for the godly…"(Psalms 112:4a, NLT)

TODAY'S WORD from Joel and VictoriaEveryone goes through times in life that seem dark or heavy. You may be going through something right now, and you don’t see how it could ever work out. You don’t have the funds.

The problems look insurmountable. But if you will stay breakthrough–minded and focused on what God can do, His Word promises that the light will come bursting in. Notice, it’s not going to trickle in. It’s not going to barely get there. No, like a flood, like the breaking forth of waters, it will come bursting in. That means, suddenly, things will change in your favor.

When things seem dark, don't start complaining. Don't get negative and sour. Remember, God likes to do things suddenly. Keep reminding yourself that the light is about to come bursting in! It may be today, may be tomorrow, next week, next month, next year. But know this: your breakthrough is on the way!

A PRAYER FOR TODAYFather in heaven, I choose to focus on You. I know that as I keep my heart and mind fixed on You that Your light will drive out every bit of darkness in my way. Thank You for directing my steps and keeping me close to You. I love You so much! In Jesus' Name. Amen.

It's Time to Grow Up!

Philippians 3:12-14

"Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already been made perfect, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me. Brothers, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I d Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus" (NIV). Friend To Friend I have recently begun working out with weights. Since I am a novice in this area of fitness, I asked my son, Jered, to help me get started. A rugged football player as well as a carpenter who is well acquainted with the fundamentals of weight training, he graciously volunteered to be my personal trainer. Little did he know the challenge that lay before him.

When I first started a regular exercise program, I naturally experienced some soreness. I was just not prepared for every muscle in my entire body to scream out in painful protest! Honestly, my initial reaction was to stop. I wanted to do what was easy, comfortable and painless but still attain the toned body of a professional weight lifter. Right!

Jered had no mercy. He was absolutely committed to my physical success and long-term health. He drove me onward, constantly encouraging me to keep working those muscles even through the pain and discomfort. One glorious day, he pointed out that those once painful muscles were no longer sore and much stronger as well. He even suggested it was time to increase the weight I was lifting because that beginning workout had become too easy. I had indeed come a long way, baby!

I want to accomplish the same thing in my journey with God! I want to be spiritually fit and mature. When I was a child, I spoke, I thought and reasoned as a child, but as I grew, my thought life and heart desires naturally matured as well. Our thought processes illustrate themselves in our desires. A mature believer has mature desires. A "baby" believer naturally has childish desires. It is sad and unnatural for a longtime believer to have new believer traits, habits and desires. Proverbs 3:7 warns "You should not be impressed with your own wisdom. Instead, fear the LORD and turn your back on evil" (NLT).

When we come to the place where we are willing to give Him everything, a wonderful process begins. He trains our immature desires to line up with His perfect ones. When we begin to seek His will by laying our desires and plans at His feet - yielding to Him - He shapes our will until it becomes His will.

The Holy Spirit has been given to us as a Spiritual Trainer of sorts. He will lead us in the right spiritual exercises of life that will make us stronger and more mature. Many of those exercises involve the submission of our will and the yielding of our desires to God. As we allow the pain and stress of daily living to "stretch" us spiritually, we will grow and mature until one day we will realize that His desires and our desires are the same. Mature desires - Godly desires - desires that are in line with His will are the desires of a believer who is growing in Christ.

Psalm 37:4 "Delight yourself in the LORD and he will give you the desires of your heart" (NIV). "Delight" literally means to enjoy. We can come to God with an attitude of joy, knowing that He is a Father of love who wants what is best for His child. His plan is absolutely the best one we could possibly imagine or accept. We can delight in His love, trust in His goodness and enjoy a growing love relationship with Him. A heart fully and joyfully submitted to God will produce mature desires. High in the Alps is a monument raised in honor of a faithful guide who died while ascending a peak to rescue a stranded tourist. Inscribed on that memorial stone are the words, "He died climbing!" A maturing, growing Christian should evoke the same attitude and desire. The apostle Paul tells us that it is time to "put away" childish things. As our children grow older, we train them to pick up their toys, to put away things that are not needed, to obey house rules and to leave behind what is childish, straining toward what is ahead. Right now, you have the same choice to make. To "put away" indicates an understanding of what needs to be left behind but also a willingness and commitment to do so. The question is, are you ready to grow up in Christ?

Let's Pray Lord, I am so tired of being a "baby" Christian. I want to honor and please You with my life, my attitudes and my habits. Please reveal every childish way in me and then help me to do something about it! Please give me a hunger, thirst for Your word, and teach me how to apply it. I really do want to grow up in You! In Jesus' name, Amen.

Identify and make a list of the childish areas in your life. Surrender this list to God in prayer. Taking one area at a time, ask Him to help you "grow up." Ask yourself the following questions: Do I truly understand that God wants me to "grow up" in Him? Am I willing to give the Holy Spirit free reign in my life? Am I willing to seek Him daily through His Word and through prayer? How can my desires become His desires? Read Ephesians 4:11-19. As you read this passage of scripture, think about the benefits of maturing and growing in Christ.

I can be such a spiritual baby. I am battling attitudes and habits today that I battled years ago. Even as I wrote this devotional, God said to me, "Mary, it is time for you to grow up in these areas." Therefore, I wrote every word you just read to me as well. My prayer is that we grow in Him ... together! You can read Mary's complete journey from darkness to light in her book, Hope in the Midst of Depression. (Coming Out of the Dark is also available on CD or as an MP3 download.) Mary also has a weekly online bible study, Light for the Journey as well as E-Book Bible Studies on managing fear, dealing with stress, learning how to control anger and how to weather the storms of life. Check it out! Seeking God?

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Strenght Through Weakness

2 Corinthians 12:7-11

Our culture values independence and personal ability but sees weakness as a failure. The biblical viewpoint, however, is the exact opposite: Scripture teaches that when we recognize our lack of strength, we become more keenly aware of our need for God.

As we know, everyone has shortcomings, and the apostle Paul was no exception. In today's passage, we read his acknowledgement of the "thorn" that was constantly harassing him. The Bible does not tell us whether this was a physical problem, a struggle with temptation, or some other weakness; all we know is that Paul prayed fervently for its removal. But the Lord chose to let the irritant remain.

Amazingly, the apostle responded with contentment concerning the very difficulty he had begged God to remove (v. 10). He realized that the Lord had changed a hindrance into a glorious revelation: Paul's deficiency became the pathway and showcase for God's magnificent power.

The thorn, it turns out, also had a second purpose--as an "immunization" to protect against pride.

The Holy Spirit impacted the world so greatly through Paul that he could easily have exalted himself. A lack of humility would have negatively impacted his ministry.

Would we prefer to have our "thorn" removed? Humanly speaking, of course we would! But we can trust that, regardless of our circumstances, our loving heavenly Father is working something beautiful into our lives. Our response to hardship and weakness should be, "Lord, what are You trying to teach me in this situation?"

Monday, June 15, 2009

Know What You Believe

1 Peter 3:13-16

Some people claim that it doesn't make a bit of difference what they believe. In fact, certain individuals go so far as to deny the existence of truth. Yet our belief system actually matters tremendously, because it is the foundation for our character, conduct, and decisions.

For instance, a person who concludes that there is no God and no eternity will live selfishly for the moment. On the other hand, someone who trusts in the Lord and His promise of heaven will have a completely different lifestyle and purpose. Obedience, faith, and responsibility will characterize him as he lives to please his heavenly Father.

Knowing what we believe is critical--first of all, because our salvation depends on it. In John 8: 24, Jesus made a powerful and unequivocal statement about this subject: "Unless you believe that I am He, you will die in your sins." The Bible is very clear that all people have sinned and in their natural state are separated from God (Rom. 3:23). The punishment for sin is death, which is eternal separation from the Lord. But the Father, in His love and mercy, sent His own Son to die in our place. As a result, everyone who believes in Jesus is forgiven and receives His free gift of salvation.

Believers are to share the good news of salvation, but the world's hostility can make us afraid. Today's passage encourages us not to fear. Telling others about Jesus doesn't require lofty words or long quotations of memorized Scripture. Simply be ready with an answer if you're asked about "the hope that is in you" (1 Peter 3:15).

Friday, June 12, 2009

Your moment is now

From where you are, with what you have, live this moment fully. Wishing for things to be perfect, or worrying that things will get worse, will rob you of the great value that already is.

Live now, without holding back and without hesitation. Go ahead, do what you've been meaning to do, and discover new ways to bring great value to life.

The past is already decided and the future is not yet available. Now is when you can savor the boundless richness in which you are immersed.

All is well, all is now, and all is open for you to experience. Life's exquisite beauty is yours the instant you appreciate it.

See the beauty, the wonder, and the rightness in the way things are. Generously express your joy, and feel the great fortune of your existence.

Your moment is now. Live the profound treasure that is.

The Character of a Good Soldier

In 1 Timothy 6:12, Paul called on his disciple to "fight the good fight of faith." As was true then, believers today are in a three-front war against the flesh, the world system, and Satan. The apostle described a soldier's actions as a reminder to prepare for daily spiritual battle.

A good soldier is strong in Christ. Paul knew that the Lord had stood by his side and strengthened him during trials (2 Tim. 4:17). The Holy Spirit provides the courage and power to obey God's commands, so we can rely upon His might to carry us to victory against any enemy.

A good soldier shares. Paul was particularly interested in believers spreading their knowledge. Not only does the church possess the truth of the gospel; it has all the riches of God's Word. Many people have listened to years' worth of biblical teaching and experienced the Lord interceding in their lives. To keep those lessons to oneself can leave another soldier without necessary armor or ammunition.

A good soldier is willing to suffer. Hardship is part of combat and, therefore, part of the Christian experience. Believers will endure adversity and be asked to make sacrifices. It is little wonder, then, that Paul reminds Timothy to stand strong in the Lord and to uphold others.

A wise commanding officer gives his troops a war cry that encourages their hearts and emboldens their steps. Paul had one to "Remember Jesus Christ" (2 Tim. 2:8). Keep in mind that you serve an omnipotent Lord. He stands beside you, takes part in your suffering, and holds you securely through the most dreadful battles.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

"And David Turned Away from Elib..."

I Samuel 17:30, AMP)
When David was a shepherd boy, his father asked him to take lunch to his brothers out on the battlefield. When he arrived, he heard Goliath taunting and challenging the people of God. David asked the men standing around, “What is the prize for defeating this giant?” They said, “The reward is one of the king’s daughters in marriage and no more taxes.” That got David’s attention. He knew this was a battle worth fighting.

When David’s older brother, Eliab, heard him talking about fighting the giant, he tried to embarrass him. In front of all those men Eliab said, “David, what are you doing out here? And what have you done with those few sheep our father left you with?” He tried to make him feel small. He was saying, “David, you’re not important. You’ll never do anything great.” But I love the way David responded. The Scripture says that David turned and walked away from Eliab. I believe one of the main reasons that David was a champion is because he knew which battles to fight. He knew to turn away from discouraging voices so he could focus his energy on the real battle.

Today, what are the discouraging voices coming against you? Choose to turn away from those distractions so you can turn toward the victory God has in store for you!

Father God, I humbly come to You today releasing all my cares and concerns and focusing on the plan You have for me. Help me to turn away from the discouraging voices so that I can walk in the victory You have for me. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Expect It!

What do you expect to gain from reading this message? What do you expect to accomplish today? What do you expect to get done in the next hour? How responsible do you expect your children to be? How courteous do you expect the ticket agent will be to you?

Your expectations largely define your outcomes. You rarely ever do much better than you expect to do, and you rarely ever do much worse. Most often, you get just about exactly what you expect.

Even when circumstances change, you adjust your actions so that your expectations continue to be met. Whatever you expect of yourself will happen, because you'll do anything necessary to make it happen.

Your mind is a powerful goal-seeking device. The more consistently you keep your mind on your positive expectations, the faster they will become a reality.

In your expectations there is great power. You can expect whatever you choose to expect. So expect the best. And that's what you'll get.

Holding on while things seems to be falling apart

I’ve been blogging about my recovery from my aneurysm and stroke. Most of it’s been a motivating and inspiring journey. I survived three surgeries, and woke up from a three and a half week coma. Many people come out to support me, and prayed for my speedy recovery. My family showered me with their love and support. The executive search firm I worked for has been most gracious and supportive. I will never forget the role they played in getting me to the hospital, and making sure I had the support of my friends and co workers until my family could get there to be with me. And, now I’m beginning to make plans to move on, and prepare for the rest of my life.

Medically, I feel fine. But, I’m overwhelmed by what to do next. I’ve gained a lot, in surviving the ordeal. I have my life to live, and therefore nothing is more valuable than that. Also, I believe as long as I am walking, talking, and thinking --I have some influence over the way my life turns out… However, I’m afraid I don’t have all the answers to fix things as I move forward. I’m not prepared to give up because I am a fighter, but it’s quite a fight that I’m in for.

I wasn’t aware of the fact that I had an aneurysm that could potentially rupture, or what the results of that condition could be. Therefore, I don’t know if the mess I’ve made of my life is a result of the attack on my brain form the ballooning of the artery prior to the rupture or not (or how long this condition was happening to me). It would explain how I allowed for some of the poor choices, I’ve made leading up to the hospital stay – and how I let things get so out of order in the first place. Its hard to know...

Now, that I’ve had the surgery, gone through the five months of therapy and seem to have fully recovered, my life is in total disarray and I’m wondering how it got this way, in the first place? I missed the deadline at work, to submit my application for medical insurance, and found out after the fact that I was not insured -- after being admitted to the hospital. (It took some time to determine that I didn’t have coverage so by the grace of God, I received the best possible care from Emory Hospital in the interim.) I've been able to purchase private insurance, to help pay for some of my continuing care, but its costly and doesn't cover everything.

God has been working in my favor all this time because I’m definitely being carried, still. The hope and optimism that I have is evident of that. Yet, that human component is full of fear and uncertainty about my future. I’m going to New York to stay with a friend, while I attempt to pick up the pieces of my life and I’ve secured a part time job at a real estate company -- showing apartments, and doing administrative work in the office while I network with old contacts about finding more permanent work. (I have lost my job at the executive search firm because of the circumstances, coupled by the economy and job market.) Therefore, I have to secure another job with medical benefits that will help me continue to pay for future doctor's visits.

I’ve applied for social security disability insurance, back in January. I’m still waiting for their decision, and I have to hold on until then. After, they make their decision, I’ll either be approved or I’ll have to appeal before a judge. Either way, I’m confident about the outcome. This is important because, I’ll have a better handle on my finances, and what kind of position I should be applying for going forward. I will be able to work, and still collect SSDI, but there will be stipulations (interms of how many hours I can work). Although, the unemployment rate is high everywhere, I think New York will afford me more opportunities.

So, off I go… I don’t know what’s in store for me there. But, I have my faith, hope and optimism, plus lots of contacts, along with my incredible, compelling survival story for a book. Please continue to pray for me. With God on my side, I'll be able to accomplish the impossible.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

The Pathways of Faith

Isaiah 55:8-9
Looking at difficulties from a human perspective can make us panic. It may be ill health, a financial crisis, or a broken relationship that causes our hearts to tremble. But God calls us to view life with eyes of faith.

To live in this way means believing that through Christ, God will meet all of our needs--including love, security, and acceptance (Phil. 4:19). Divine love for us was demonstrated at the cross; there, Jesus died for our sins so we might be forgiven and reconciled to the Father. His affection for us is so deep that we can never reach the end of it (Jer. 31:3; Eph. 3:18).

Then, because of our position in God's family, we are eternally secure: all who believe in the Savior are adopted as children of the heavenly Father, with full rights and privileges of heirs (Rom. 8:17). And our adoption is permanent, since it is based on Jesus' atoning sacrifice (Heb. 7:27).

What's more, the presence of the indwelling Holy Spirit is evidence that the Father has accepted us. His Spirit acts as a seal and guarantee of our position in Christ (Eph 1:13). Even though earthly relationships may crumble, our union with the Lord is forever. He is able to keep every one of His promises--and He will never let you down.

When we are convinced that God will provide for us, our approach to life changes. Then, we live not by sight (which tells us to worry) but rather by faith in the One who saved us (2 Cor. 5:7). The pathway of trust in the Lord is available to all who have received Christ as Savior. Are you walking on it today?

Monday, June 8, 2009

Overcoming Anxiety

Isaiah 41:10-14
Fear is a powerful emotion. It shows up without warning, tends to dominate our thoughts, and does not depart quickly. But as Christians, we have an even more powerful weapon to stop anxiety from overcoming us--the Word of God.

When anxiety strikes, key truths can help us stand firm. First, remember that God is sovereign over all circumstances and people (1 Chron. 29:11). When He decides to act, no leader, army, or nation can stand against Him. We may not understand why certain things happen, but we can know for sure that our Lord is still in control.

Next, keep in mind the promise that He causes all things to work for the good of those who love Him (Rom. 8:28). Just as the Father orchestrated the events of Jesus' life, death, and resurrection to accomplish our salvation, He also works circumstances for our good and His glory. The disciples didn't comprehend what Jesus was telling them about the future; nor could they initially see how His dying was beneficial. But in the end, they understood that God had carried out His plan of redemption through the crucifixion and resurrection.

We may be in the midst of hard times and wondering where the good is. Do not lose hope. God is sovereign and true to every one of His promises (2 Cor. 1:20).

Verses that proclaim God's sovereignty can help us overcome fear (Ps. 22:27-28). Studying the lives of saints like Abraham, Joseph, and the apostle Paul will remind us that God is mighty and He can use difficulties to bring about gain. As we believe His Word, our anxiety will be replaced by His divine peace (Gal. 5:22).

My miracle continues to unfold

I have a story to tell, of prayer and healing from my aneurysm and stroke, to surviving three surgeries, and then waking up from a coma of three and a half weeks. This is a survival story of family and friendship, the power of the Lord and strong faith, integrity and determination.
I’m fighting to get my feet back on the ground, to fulfill my purpose, but not without obstacles to overcome. I have been given a mission to show to all who are witnessing this, His word is true and “all things are possible through Christ who strengthens me.” Philippians 4:13 (King James Version) It’s now 4:34 a.m. and I’m being called to write this. I have been praying for an answer. The answer is already here.

I need to get from point A to point B. How do I get there? Proverbs 3:5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. I’m still waiting for an answer from social security letting me know if I’ll be awarded money or not, and if I’ll need to appeal. The denial rate is enormous, and therefore I more than likely will have to appeal. In the meantime, I don’t know that I’ll be able to keep collecting insurance from the Long Term Disability policy, because I’m healing so fast and so well.

I have lost my job through this experience. (Finding another job, is not going to be easy with the job market being the way it is, the unemployment rate being so high, and the fact that I had an aneurysm and a stroke means my earning potential has now been affected in the traditional sense.)

My company does not have the budget to keep my job for me until I recover (which was the original plan). Our initial game plan was going to be take the time I need to heal, and by the time the market is strong again, I’ll be well enough to return to work. As it turns out, it’s great that I’m getting better, but the market is not keeping up with my recovery. The money has run out. So, what do I do? My situation looks desperate, but I’m holding on to my faith, and therefore I will make it.

I want to write my story and get it published. But, I’ll need to hire a ghost writer, to get it ready to present to a publisher. I can do this but I need your support. Please be a part of my journey to accomplish this. This is an amazing opportunity to see my miracle continue to unfold.

Mark 4:35-41 (New International Version)
Jesus Calms the Storm

35That day when evening came, he said to his disciples, "Let us go over to the other side." 36Leaving the crowd behind, they took him along, just as he was, in the boat. There were also other boats with him. 37A furious squall came up, and the waves broke over the boat, so that it was nearly swamped. 38Jesus was in the stern, sleeping on a cushion. The disciples woke him and said to him, "Teacher, don't you care if we drown?"
39He got up, rebuked the wind and said to the waves, "Quiet! Be still!" Then the wind died down and it was completely calm.
40He said to his disciples, "Why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith?"
41They were terrified and asked each other, "Who is this? Even the wind and the waves obey him!"

Friday, June 5, 2009

Success and Money

Luke 12:13-21
The belief that wealth equals success is a common misconception. True success means becoming who God wants you to be and doing the work He has prepared for you to accomplish. Jesus said the man in Luke 12 was a fool because he spent his life pursuing wealth but was not rich toward the Lord.

An idolatrous attitude about money is revealed by an insatiable desire for more.
Materialism affects rich and poor alike. So whenever financial concerns have top priority in our thoughts and begin to dictate goals and desires, we can know we've succumbed to the foolishness of greed. Worrying about finances is actually a warning sign of misplaced priorities and displays a lack of trust in God.

Money is a vital part of our lives, but it should never come to have a higher place than the Lord intends. Everything belongs to God. We are merely stewards of all that He entrusts to us, and one day we'll give an account to Him of how we have used what He gave us to oversee. Our goal is not to become wealthy but to be found faithful.

In His great wisdom, the Lord has prescribed a remedy for our tendency to overvalue money. Giving it away breaks the grip of greed, teaches us to trust and obey God, and is the avenue through which treasure can be stored in heaven.

If you hunger more for worldly riches than for the treasures of knowing God, then you're climbing the wrong ladder of success. Genuine eternal blessing is measured in relationship with Jesus, not monetary accumulation. Make Christ your top priority and chief joy, and you will experience true prosperity.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Be Determined

“[We pray] that you may be invigorated and strengthened with all power according to the might of His glory, [to exercise] every kind of endurance and patience (perseverance and forbearance) with joy,"(Colossians 1:11, AMP).

Do you know what causes God to act on your behalf? Do you know what gets His attention? God is not moved by our needs. He’s not moved by whining or complaining. He’s not moved by a “poor me” mentality.

No, God is moved by our faith in Him. We have to be determined to stand on God’s Word no matter what is going on around us. Remember, God promises in His Word that He will fight our battles, but understand that it’s not going to happen automatically. We have to do our part. We have to dig our heels in with an attitude of faith and exercise endurance, patience, and perseverance. We have to be determined to stand strong in faith and face those challenges that come against us.

Just like the scripture says, I pray that today you are strengthened with His power to exercise endurance, perseverance, and patience so that you can stand strong and be determined to take hold of every promise He has in store for you!


Father in heaven, thank You for giving me a measure of faith that grows as I receive Your Word. Today I declare that I am determined to put You first and stand on Your promises so that I can live the life of victory You have prepared for me. In Jesus’ Name. Amen

The Holy Spirit--Giving New Life

Romans 6:3-11
"Lord, I have really messed up my life. I wish I could just start over." Have you ever felt this way? Maybe you are even wondering if life is worth living. Well, I have some bad news and some good news. First, you cannot change your past--it is firmly set in history. However, you can start over, no matter where you are right now.

The Holy Spirit specializes in giving new life. All who have believed in Christ and trusted in Him for salvation have His Spirit dwelling within them. New life begins immediately for all who choose to accept His offer of the forgiveness of their sins. There is no more condemnation, and they are set free to begin living for Christ.

How easy life would be if that were the only fresh start we'd ever need. But our old sinful tendencies--which the Bible calls "the flesh"--are not removed at salvation. Throughout life, there will be times when we will need to go back and make things right.

The Spirit is ever present, empowering us to say no to the flesh and yes to Christ. Stop and consider the strength of the One who lives within you. He has all the power of almighty God, who raised Jesus from the dead (Rom. 8:11). Is your situation more difficult than a resurrection?

By setting your mind on the things of the Spirit and living under His authority, you can put to death the sinful actions and habits that have made a mess of your life. The Lord wants to set you free from addicting pleasures and drives that lead only to pain and heartache. Begin today by letting the Holy Spirit lead you into new life.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

A prayer for today

Dear Father, I confess that I have allowed fear and anxiety to fill my mind and heart. I want to trust You above all else. Please give me the faith to believe the promises in Your Word and the strength to take the first step of obedience. Help me remember that I am a sheep, totally dependent upon You, my Shepherd. Thank You for Your perfect provision for my life. In Jesus' name, Amen.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Secure Hope (Psalm 42)

Secure Hope Psalm 42 God wants us to be people with desires and expectations that are motivating and enriching. But the disappointment of unrealized hopes is inevitable while living in this fallen world. How are we to determine where to place our hope--and how to respond if it is not fulfilled?

Hope is secure when it is aligned with the Lord's desires, which are revealed in Scripture. However, many of our expectations are based on wishes or feelings. We long for job promotions, good health, or quick solutions to our problems. Though these are things we want, we have no absolute promise from the Lord that they're part of His will for us.

Disappointment with God can occur whenever our expectations do not coincide with His plan.
Even when hope is based on a scriptural promise, the Lord may not fulfill it in the way or the time that we expect. Although God appears inactive, He is moving beneath the surface, preparing us for the future.

The key to contentment and joy lies in placing all subjective hopes under the umbrella of our ultimate hope in the Lord. God is sovereign and good. He always wants what is best for us and never makes a mistake. His ways are higher than ours and, in many ways, beyond human understanding.

From a limited and fallen perspective, we may be like a five-year-old who wants candy at every meal. Sometimes God has to dash our hopes in order to give us what He knows is best. Ask Him to clarify and direct your desires to coincide with His way. Then rest in His goodness and keep your hope in Him.

Make something meaningful...

The results you get don't come from the situation. The results you achieve are determined by what you choose to focus upon and what you choose to do.

From the very same set of circumstances, two different people can achieve two vastly different results. The outcome is not based on what they're given, but on what they do with it. If the results you're getting are not the results you desire, stop looking for someone or something to blame.

Start looking for the possibilities that you have not yet considered. Make your most positive and compelling purpose the filter through which you view everything that happens. That will cause outstanding, powerful possibilities to pop into view. The world around you is constantly changing.

There is always a way to harness the energy of the ever-changing landscape to suit your purpose. Look calmly and confidently at the situation in which you find yourself. Then step gratefully forward, and make something beautiful, valuable and meaningful out of it all.

You and God Are a Majority - Joel and Victoria

"...If God be for us, who can be against us?"
(Romans 8:31, KJV)

So often when difficulties come, people tend to feel overwhelmed, unequipped, or outnumbered. They shrink back or look for an easy way out or a place to hide. But that’s not God´s best for us. He never intended for us to be consumed by our challenges; He intends for us to overcome our challenges!

If you´re facing a difficulty today, it´s time to dig your heels in, stand strong, and show the enemy what you´re made of! Remember, you aren´t alone in the fight; God is with you. He´s promised to never leave you nor forsake you. Just like the scripture says, if God is for you who can be against you? Friend, you and God are a majority. There´s no weapon, no enemy, no challenge, no disease, no failure, there´s nothing that can overtake you when God is on your side!

I encourage you today; choose an attitude of faith and victory. Keep declaring His promises over your life. Be bold and stand strong because God promises that He has victory in store for the upright. As you keep that attitude of faith, you´ll rise above those difficulties and walk in the freedom He´s prepared for you!

Heavenly Father, thank You for Your faithfulness to me. Thank You for equipping me and filling me with Your joy, strength, and boldness. I choose to trust You, to stand on Your Word and look for the victory You have in store for me. In Jesus´ Name. Amen.

The lessons I've learned...

I learned about the strength you can get from a close family life. I learned to keep going, even in bad times. I learned not to despair, even when my world was falling apart. I learned that there are no free lunches. And I learned the value of hard work.
(Lee Iacocca on Determination)

As I read this quote from Mr. Iacocca, I think wow! He’s been through a few things. Or else, how could he possibly know so much about what I’m feeling? And then, I wonder – Did he have an aneurysm too? Did he wake up from a coma, and have to face all his poor choices head on? Just like me? I am learning all the lessons Lee Iacocca learned this time around, and for this, I’m grateful.

My family
My brother and his wife have made such a sacrifice for me in my time of need. They are the most incredible people for the way they put my needs before their own. The two of them packed my things, put everything they could carry into storage as they tried to salvage what I owned. (I was in jeopardy of losing everything because I hadn’t paid my rent yet and hadn’t called my landlord to explain, since I was in the coma and couldn’t have. By the time my brother and his wife had gotten to my apartment, there was a notice on the door which was the notice of eviction).

I’ve enjoyed being single for many years, and may never have appreciated the value of a close family life had I not witnessed this for myself. Although, I appreciate marriage and children, I always felt I could wait a little longer for my Mr. Right. I am the middle child of eight brothers and sisters, and I’ve always taken pride in being there when members of my family needed me, but I still didn’t get it – maybe its because, I never foresaw me being the one in need. It took me needing them, to learn this lesson.

Its very clear to me, there is no way, I could have progressed the way I have without the support of my family. I’ve been living with them since being discharged from Emory and it hasn’t been easy for any of us and yet, they have stood by me. God has used my family to give me the strength to go on with my life.

Now that I’m so much better, He’s putting other family members in my life to show their support as well. All of my younger brothers have without hesitation offered to drive with me back to NY. This is significant, because I do have a large family, and I understand that people do what they can. While the part of the family that was able to make the sacrifice to take me in, did. I understand not everyone else could. The fact that my other brothers want to take this drive with me is huge, because it’s what they can do. And, it fills my heart with joy.

My sister, who lives in Pennsylvania, wasn’t able to come to Atlanta while I was in the coma – and it broke her heart, but as soon as she was able to come to Virginia to see me, she came.

These are all various components of Gods blessings, and the important part my family is playing in my journey. Who knows, it’s possible, I’m being used as a way to bring my family closer together. (It would be nice, but we’ll just have to see…)

Keep going, even in bad times
Since leaving Emory, I’ve been diligent about getting my life back through everything from therapy, to getting my driving privileges back (and all the other things in between, including school, doctor’s visits, exercise, social-networking online, dealing with my finances, lining up legal counsel in case I need to appeal social security’s decision, and getting my driving privileges back…).

I’ve applied for social security over six months ago, and still waiting for an answer (on average the percentage of people who get denied is as high as 65 –67%… In the meantime, my long term disability continues to threaten to cut me off. I don’t have the best insurance; therefore everything is magnified when dealing with the neurologists. This experience has made me a fighter more than ever before.

Don’t despair, even when my world was falling apart
God has fought for me to wake up from the coma, with my brain in tact - my speech, motor skills, creativity, and my sense of humor, ability to reason, solve problems, and dream…

There are no free lunches
Despite everything that’s happened, I can still go to work, and take care of myself. The job market may be tight, but I believe there’s a job out there for me still. I’m casting a wide net, and leaving no stone unturned… I’ll get back on my feet to pay my own way!

There is value in hard work
My speedy recovery is proof that my efforts have paid off. Although God is managing everything, and He deserves all the glory and praise, He helps those who help themselves. Seven months ago, I couldn’t stand, eat without a feeding tube, or breathe without a tracheotomy… The doctors at Emory, didn’t think I’d be able to care for myself, or live independently (much less, drive a car, strategize about how I’ll make a living going forward, or start a blog to share my testimony and inspire others).

Monday, June 1, 2009

Holding Onto Our Hope

1 Samuel 1:1-18
Hannah's situation looked hopeless. She was heartbroken because "the Lord had closed her womb." This alone was a source of great disgrace for a Hebrew woman. But Hannah suffered even more because of the deliberate provocation by her husband's other wife, who was blessed with children.
Holding onto hope can be difficult when circumstances are miserable and show no signs of improving. For believers, this can be even more discouraging, because they know that God could fulfill their hopes and remedy the situation, but He hasn't.

Hannah was a woman of great faith, even in the midst of her disappointment and pain. Year after year she kept going to Shiloh to worship the Lord. Perseverance is a quality that the Father highly values in His people. Endurance in trials leads to godly character and hope that does not disappoint (Rom. 5:3-5).
Great pain often drives us to the Lord. Hannah had faithfully worshiped God with all of Israel, but this time she went by herself to the tabernacle and prayed to the only One who could help her. Weeping bitterly, she poured out her soul before the Lord and offered Him a sacrifice of the very thing she valued most--a child: she laid her hope at His feet and promised that if He fulfilled her desire, she would give Him her son.

That which we strive to hold can be kept only by surrendering it to God. This biblical principle applies to our hopes as well as to our very life (Luke 9:24). Learn from Hannah's example of faith, and pour out your heart to God.

Lay your hopes before Him--the only One who can fulfill your desires or change them to match His will.